Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Jean-Luc Picard Appreciates A Hand-Knit Garment

There's good news and bad news this week.

First the good.  I finished both sleeves of my shrug and blocked it.  Yahoo!

The bad news - there is a mystery stain.  A massive tiny red stain on one sleeve.  I'm pretty devastated and I've tried getting it out with what limited tools one has when washing cashmere and silk.  *sigh*  Any life saving advice on that front would be incredibly welcome.

So that was a downer.

But wait!  There is more good news.  I am so close to being finished my KAL sweater I can almost taste it; and it tastes kinda like mutton.  I finished off the sleeves after starting my second skein - which, by the way, wouldn't have been possible without every knitters' dream: A man, woman or child who is willing to hold his or her arms shoulder width apart for up to 30 minutes while you wind your ball.

True Love
So I was knitting like crazy and watching episode after episode of Star Trek: TNG and then my shoulder started to get all complainy and I started having all these weird Star Trekky/Knitty dreams.  So I've taken a few days off and I hope to be back at it over the next few days and have a FINISHED PRODUCT to show you next week!  Huzzah!


  1. Jean Luc Picard would look great in something handknit. I bet those dreams were a trip.

    1. Jean-Luc would look great in pretty much anything! Or nothing. Haha.

  2. Perhaps lemon juice for the stain? Or white vinegar? Both are natural cleaners that I use all the time but are safe for just about anything, even kids ;) I used lemon juice to get out sharpie pen from my couch.

    Can't wait to see your FO...mine will be a few more weeks but getting close enough to the end that I'm thinking to the next project :)

    1. I'll definitely try the lemon juice and/or vinegar thing. I'm willing to try anything at this point! And it's very reassuring to hear it works on sharpie because this pigment is pretty stubborn.

      I tried my sweater on today and it fits awesome! I just need a bit more length then I can block and take photos. Can't wait to see yours, too. And I have already started queueing up favorites for my next project :D
